Last Updated on September 14, 2023 by Amin Tawar
Are There Wolverine In Montana?

Wolverines were completely wiped out in the nation by trapping, hunting, and poisoning during the early 1900s. In the late 1930s, they started to make a comeback from Canada and since then they have reoccupied regions of their historic habitat range in the US states that includes Montana.
Today, in Montana, wolverines are mostly found in sparsely inhabited regions near Glacier National Park, Yellowstone National Park, and Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex regions. Though wolverine survive in the state, they are sensitive to climate change and habitat fragmentation which has been the leading causes for their reduction in number.
How many Wolverines are in Montana?
Montana’s Department of Wildlife and Fish has estimated that there are around 250 to 300 Wolverines in the mountains of Montana and its surrounding states like Idaho, Washington, and Wyoming. With a few living where it is impossible to reach.
Also, though individuals have moved back into the historic habitat range in Montana, they have not established any breeding populations in the state and nearby states.
The department has said that it’s relentless traveling and inhospitable habitat make it quite hard to provide the exact number of the species living in the state. Also, the department has been using bait stations with remote cameras being set up to gather photos and wolverine hairs for DNA research.
A total of 51 monitoring bait stations are located in Montana, to watch whether wolverines are nearby. These bait stations collect the hairs left behind when climbing trees, which allows researchers to get photographic and DNA proof of their existence.
How Common Are Wolverines In Montana?

Sightings of Wolverines are very rare, outside the core areas of the Wolverine’s habitats, very rare. But sightings do happen as they have huge home ranges when moving around and are known to wander around distances. They are kind of solitary mountaineers most of the time, which makes it difficult to spot even two wolverines roaming in the wild together.
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What does Wolverine eat in Montana?
Wolverines are opportunistic hunters, they forage on a mixture of berries, roots, small mammals, fledglings, birds’ eggs, and fish. Sometimes, they can be seen attacking moose, deer, and caribou, hindered by deep snow, in winter.
They can also be spotted on munching medium and small-size carrion and rodents, particularly on ungulate remains. This often makes up a huge percentage of their diet. Prey is caught by ambush, pursuit, climbing on trees, and digging out dens. They might cache their target in the fork of the branches or beneath the snow.
Can You Hunt Wolverine In Montana?
Wolverines are categorized as a furbearer species in the state of Montana. Allowing licensed hunters to kill wolverines is directed by the state policy of restoring and maintaining populations. However, the hunting and trapping season for these species is currently discontinued with a statewide allocation of zero permits annually.
This is because wolverines were extinct in the state during the early 1900s and have only been increasing recently in numbers. To protect their recovery in Montana to its current range the state has currently suspended the hunting and trapping season.
Can You Eat Wolverine In Montana?
No, wolverines cannot be hunted in Montana for meat. Though the species is classified as furbearers in Montana, the state does not allow hunting or trapping of these animals. Also, the Montana Fish and Wildlife Service has classified them as protected animals and doesn’t want its resident to hunt them as they are almost extinct.
How many wolverines are left in the US?
The wolverine population is estimated around 200 to 300 individuals in the Lower 48 states. This might be the lowest for a species in the contiguous United States with these animals mostly restricted to the snowiest, highest alpine regions of five states and completely dependent on a snowy and cold environment.
There just aren’t many of these animals around and they already live in a pretty fragmented habitat in the country and climate change will shrink their habitat more. As their reproductive dens are solely in snowy terrains.
Also Check Our Guide On Wolverine In Minnesota
And that was everything you need to know about the Wolverine in Montana. I hope this article answered all your queries.
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