Last Updated on September 14, 2023 by Amin Tawar

From Bald eagles to sea lions, Oregon is home to a diverse range of terrestrial as well as marine life. The state also has a growing population of gray wolves.
Though wolves rarely attack humans, it is always safe to know some basic information about these carnivores, especially if you live in an area where wolves are known to live.
By understanding more about wolves, people can protect both themselves and wolves.
Below I’ve explained all the things you need to know about the Wolves in Oregon.
Are There Any Wolves in Oregon?
Yes, there are wolves in Oregon. Historically, Gray wolves are native to Oregon. But were eradicated in the mid-1900s.
Since the reintroduction of wolves into nearby states, there has been colonization of wolves from Idaho and Montana. Note that no wolves were reintroduced into Oregon.
How Many Wolves Are Currently in Oregon?
As per the 2021 annual report of Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management, there are 173 wolves in Oregon. These wolves exist in 27 packs and 16 breeding pairs.
Gray wolves are known to habitat in forests, mountains, and secluded areas away from the human population.
In Oregon, wolves are often sighted in the northeastern and southern parts of the state which are home to blue mountains, and cascade mountains, respectively.
If you are a nature lover and planning to go on tours or hikes, these areas will provide you with a beautiful view of wolves in their natural habitat.
What Counties in Oregon Have Wolves?
Gray wolves in Oregon are mostly sighted and recorded in remote areas of the northeastern and southern parts of Oregon. Though the Gray wolves are not present in all the counties of this region, there have been recorded sightings of them in a few.
As per the 2021 Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management annual report, gray wolves are found in Baker, Crook, Grant, Harney, Lake, and a few other counties in the state.
While wolves are known to exist only in a few parts of the state, it is worthwhile to note that wolves often travel long distances to hunt and mate thereby expanding their range.
Though you may find wolves in these areas when you visit, it is important that you follow the rules and regulations provided by the state to avoid any harm to the wolves and yourself.
When Did Wolves Go Extinct in Oregon?

Gray wolves are believed to be present throughout the state of Oregon in the past. However, after European settlement, wolves were extirpated in the 1940s. Livestock predation, hunting for sport, religious beliefs, and loss of habitat are a few of the reasons for the loss of the wolf population.
The last known gray wolf in Oregon state was killed in 1946, after which the species was listed in the Endangered species act in 1987.
It was only in 2008, that the first gray wolf pack was confirmed in the state. Since then, natural migration, various initiatives from the state authorities and public, and good prey availability have improved the wolf population growth and management in Oregon.
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Can You Kill Wolves in Oregon? And Fine for Killing a Wolf in Oregon?
Wolves in Oregon are managed in zones. Wolves were listed in the late 1900s as endangered species due to the drastic drop in their numbers.
Though the gray wolves of Oregon are delisted as in 2015, they are still considered special game mammals, protected by Wolf management plan across the state.
Note that wolves are still federally protected in western and central management zones and federally delisted in the eastern management zone.
Though wolves are delisted in some parts of Oregon, it is still illegal to hunt and kill a wolf. The only exception to this is the killing of a wolf as an act of self-defense.
Fines for violating the rules include fines of up to $6250, punishable up to 1 yr. in jail with repeated offenses leading to higher fines and longer prison sentences. Additionally, the violators may also be subjected to civil penalties like the cost of the wolf’s restoration to the wild, revoke of the persons hunting or trapping license, etc.
Can You Have a Wolf as A Pet in Oregon?
No, Gray wolves are federally protected in Oregon. Therefore, it is illegal to have a wolf as a pet in the state of Oregon.
In addition to legal issues, it is dangerous to have a wolf as a pet in Oregon. Wolves are highly social and intelligent and therefore have special needs compared to your normal domesticated dogs.
Moreover, wolves are wild animals, and years of evolution have helped them retain their natural instincts and behaviors which are difficult for people to control.
Their physical characteristics like sharp teeth, claws, and behaviors like aggression make them a danger to not only their owner but also to the people in the neighborhood.
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What Do Wolves Eat in Oregon?
Like Gray wolves found in other parts of the Northern American continent, gray wolves in Oregon predominantly consume undulates like deer, moose, elk, etc. When undulates are not naturally present in the wolf’s habitat, wolves also consume small mammals like hares, rodents, and beavers.
It is important to note that a wolf’s diet varies based on the time of the year, availability of prey, presence of competition, etc. For example, wolves in regions with more hare populations will consume these creatures than wolves in regions with less hare populations.
While wolves rarely live near human habitats, during prey scarcity, wolves are known to predate on livestock like sheep and cattle which leads to conflicts with ranchers and farmers.
This issue led to the development of a wolf management plan by the Oregon Department of Fish a Wildlife which aims to resolve dissension between wolves and humans and support to conserve wolf population.
And that was everything you need to know about the Wolves in Oregon. I hope this article answered your queries.
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