Last Updated on April 15, 2024 by Amin Tawar
Wild Boar Height & Length

The wild boar, is also known as the wild pig, common wild pig, or Eurasian wild pig.
Overall, on average the wild boars’ males are 75 to 95 cm (30 to 37 in) in shoulder height and 150 cm to 160 cm (59 to 63 in) in body length, whereas females average 70 to 90 cm (28 to 35 in) in shoulder height and 140 to 145 cm (55 to 57 in) in body length.
The variation in the height and length of males and females is quite prominent with males being 5 to 10 % larger than their female counterparts in terms of height and body length.
Height & length | Centimeters | Inches |
Male | Height:75 to 95 cm Length:150 cm to 160 cm | Height:30 to 37 in Length:59 to 63 in |
Female | Height:70 to 90 cm Length: 140 to 145 cm | Height: 27-35 in Length: 55 to 57 in |
Wild Boar Weight
The wild boar is substantially robust, hefty, and muscular with exceptional strength and speed. They vary considerably in weight across their population range depending on the availability of food, vegetation, predators, and other environmental factors such as temperature.
Nevertheless, on average as a population, they weigh 50–90 kg (110–200 pounds). Specifically, males weigh between 50 to 270 kg (110 to 600 lb), whereas females weigh between 45 to 120 kg (99 to 260 pounds).
Furthermore, as hinted previously these animals exhibit prominent sexual dimorphisms with the males being 20 to 30% heavier than their female counterparts.
Weight | Pounds | Kilograms |
Male | 110 to 600 lb | 50 to 270 kg |
Female | 99 to 260 pounds | 45 to 120 kg |
Wild Boar Litter Size
The wild boar’s litter size significantly depends upon the health including the age and nutrition of the mother boar, which is typically known as sows.
Additionally, the gestation period also is not uniform or the same for all the sows, conversely this period depends upon their age.
It lasts 114 to 130 days for first-time mothers and 133 to 140 days for more experienced sows which have birthed multiple litters previously.
The typical litter size is about 4 to 6 piglets, though the maximum litter size can vary between 10 to 14 piglets. Furthermore, they are born in nests and barely weigh between 600 and 1,000 grams (1.3-2.2 lbs).1
Wild Boar Tusk Size
The canine teeth of wild boars are exceptionally well-grown and extend out of the mature males’ jaws. These four canine teeth, commonly referred to as tusks, are constantly developing and self-sharpening due to the movement of their jaws, both upper and lower.
Moreover, their size and weight can vary depending on heredity and environmental variables. Generally, the length of a boar tusk varies between 3 to 5 inches.
As previously discussed, male and female wild boars differ in size, with the males being larger. Simultaneously, the females also have relatively small tusks.
How Big Is A Full Grown Boar?
As we have discussed, a wild boar is quite a variably sized mammal. These hoofed mammals are generally stocky with short legs. They reach their adult size at around 1 to 2 years of age.
A fully grown wild boar weighs about 50–90 kg (110–200 pounds), measuring 70 to 95 cm (28 to 37 in) in shoulder height and 140 to 160 cm (55 to 63 in) in body length.
These animals exhibit prominent sexual dimorphism with the male boars being 5 to 10 % larger and 20 to 30 % heavier than their female counterparts.
In specifics, a male boar weighs between 50 to 270 kg (110 to 600 lb) measuring 75 to 95 cm (30 to 37 inches) in shoulder height and 150 to 160 cm (59 to 63 inches) in body length, whereas females weigh between 45 to 120 kg (99 to 260 pounds) measuring 70 to 90 cm (28 to 35 in) in shoulder height and 140 to 145 cm (55 to 57 in) in body length.
As mentioned before, the size and weight of these beasts vary significantly on environmental factors such as temperature, in addition to the availability of food and water.
Wild Boar Size Compared To Human

Wild boars are extremely hazardous due to their ferocity and aggression, as well as because they carry illnesses that could be transmitted to people, such as TB and hepatitis E.
As a result, it’s critical to understand the potential severity of their encounters with us. The simplest technique to do so is to compare the sizes.
So, as we know a fully grown wild boar weighs about 50–90 kg (110–200 pounds), measuring 70 to 95 cm (28 to 37 in) in shoulder height and 140 to 160 cm (55 to 63 in) in body length.
On the other hand, the average human body length is around 5.5-5.9 ft with a weight of about 110 to 154 lbs (50 – 70 kgs).
With the given specifics we can conclude that a wild boar is significantly smaller than us. Nevertheless, these wild creatures are exceptionally agile and ferocious which is why it is best to avoid any sort of encounters with them.
Warthog Vs Wild Boar Size Comparison

Warthogs and boars are two prominent subspecies of the pig tribe, and both of them have numerous visible similarities.
As previously mentioned, the boars are large animals with a weight range of 50 to 90 kg (110 to 200 pounds), a shoulder height range of 70 to 95 cm (28 to 37 in), and a body length range of 140 to 160 cm (55 to 63 in).
On the other hand, common warthogs weigh 60 to 150 kg (132 to 330 lb). They stand 63 to 85 cm (2 to 2.7 ft) to the shoulder and have a body length of 0.9 to 1.5 m (3 to 4.9 ft).
Comparing these specifics we can conclude that warthogs are quite smaller than wild boars in terms of both size and weight.
However, their size greatly depends on the availability of food, water, and further environmental conditions.
Size | Wild Boar | Warthog |
Weight | 110 to 200 pounds | 132 to 330 lb |
Height | Height: 28 to 37 in Length: 55 to 63 in | Height:2 to 2.7 ft Length: 3 to 4.9 ft |
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Wild Boar Vs Domestic Pig Size Comparison
One of the most noticeable distinctions between a pig and a wild boar is length and weight. In comparison to wild boars, domesticated pigs are noticeably bigger and heavier, as they are raised as livestock, and simultaneously fed well and given meticulous care.
In specifics, the wild boar’s weight range is about 50 to 90 kg (110 to 200 pounds), a shoulder height range of 70 to 95 cm (28 to 37 in), and a body length range of 140 to 160 cm (55 to 63 in).
On the other hand, on average domestic pig body length ranges from 0.9 to 1.8 m (3 to 6 ft), and weighs between 50 and 350 kg (110 and 770 lb).
Therefore, we can conclude that a domestic pig is significantly larger than wild boars.
Size | Wild Boar | Domestic pigs |
Weight | 110 to 200 pounds | 110 and 770 lb |
Height | Height: 28 to 37 in Length: 55 to 63 in | Height: 2.4-3.1 ft Length:3 to 6 ft |
Wild Boar Vs Bear Size Comparison

Both wild boar and bear are great predators. They are both robust, muscular, and bulky animals. However, they differ significantly in terms of size.
As we mentioned previously, the wild boar’s weight range is about 50 to 90 kg (110 to 200 pounds), a shoulder height range of 70 to 95 cm (28 to 37 in), and a body length range of 140 to 160 cm (55 to 63 in).
Generally, the size and weight of bears vary greatly with the subspecies they belong to.
Overall American black bears range from about 130 to 190 centimeters (50 to 75 inches) in length and weigh 60 to 300 kilograms (130 to 660 pounds).
By comparing the specifics, we can conclude that American black bears are larger than wild boars in terms of length. However, they are both quite comparable in terms of body mass.
Size | Wild Boar | American Black Bear |
Weight | 110 to 200 pounds | 130 to 660 pounds |
Height | Height: 28 to 37 in Length: 55 to 63 in | Height: 2.6-3.5 ft Length: 50 to 75 inches |
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Wild Boar Vs Leopard Size Comparison

Leopards are the smallest of the four big cats, but still massive creatures. They have a body length between 125 and 165 cm (49 and 65 in), with a Shoulder height between 45 to 80 cm (18 to 31 in) and weigh 30 to 91 kg (66 to 200 lb).
Whereas, the wild boar’s weight range is about 50 to 90 kg (110 to 200 pounds), a shoulder height range of 70 to 95 cm (28 to 37 in), and a body length range of 140 to 160 cm (55 to 63 in). Both animals are exceptionally swift and ferocious.
By comparing the given specifics, we can conclude that wild boars are quite larger than leopards both in terms of length and weight. They are almost comparable in size but still not equal.
Size | Wild Boar | Leopard |
Weight | 110 to 200 pounds | 66 to 200 lb |
Height | Height: 28 to 37 in Length: 55 to 63 in | Height: 18 to 31 in Length: 49 and 65 in |
And that was everything you need to know about the size of Wild boar. I hope this article was informative enough and your queries were answered.
Thank You For Reading!
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