What Can I Give My Dog For Pain - Safe Relief 2024

What Can I Give My Dog For Pain – Safe Relief 2024

Last Updated on March 31, 2024 by themubbi63

Suppose something has happened to your pet and it’s in pain. It’s natural for you to want to alleviate your beloved pet’s pain. But that doesn’t mean that you can give your dog just any painkiller that’s lying around the house. No, some human medication might actually be poisonous for your dogs. So let’s read about what drugs are actually safe to give to animals and which absolutely aren’t.

How To Know If Your Dog Is In Pain?

First, it’s important to understand if your dog is in pain. Unlike humans, your dog is incapable of just telling you that it’s pain. It’ll give indications that it’s your responsibility to figure out. By what signs does a dog let its human know that it is hurting?

Well, firstly the dog might just be restless and pacing about. It might be whimpering or moaning or even growling and biting when touched. Alternatively, it might be lying in a corner and not responding when called and not interacting with anyone. If the dog’s ears are drooping or it’s being extra careful about some body part, chances are that it’s not feeling one hundred percent well.

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Other indications that the dog is in pain is if it’s hiding, limping, licking or biting at some wound, flinching and pulling away when touched or not moving parts of their body. In such cases, it’s best to first take your dog to the vet instead of giving them medicine unadvised. But if that’s not an option, there’s a list of meds that is safe to give to the dog.

Can You Give Your Dog Human Medicine?

You can give your dog some kinds of human medicine but definitely not all of them. Certain common over-the-counter medicines that we take, like Tylenol or any kind of ibuprofen is absolutely a no-no for dogs. Don’t ever give them to your pets as they can lead to severe, often fatal, side effects.

Some kind of human medication, like antibiotics or heart medication, can be given to dogs. But you should be careful about the dosage. After all, your dog’s weight is nowhere near the same as yours. And these medicines are tailored for humans. It’s never a good idea to give dogs human medicines without first consulting a vet.

Paracetamol is another medicine that can be given to dogs, in case of an emergency, but at a very low dosage. Too high a dose can be toxic for the dogs, especially as paracetamol usually contains artificial sweeteners. Aspirin is sometimes administered to dogs by vets but shouldn’t be administered by owners since messing up the dosage might result in stomach ulcers.

Why Are Human Medicines Bad for Dogs?

Human medicines were specifically made for humans. Just because we can ingest them safely doesn’t mean another species can. Human medicines like ibuprofen are literally poison to dogs, leading to kidney damage and failure, liver failure and bleeding from the stomach lining. Your dog might even suffer from seizures or go into a coma. Even one tablet for a big dog like a Labrador isn’t recommended in this case.

Ibuprofen and acetaminophen, commonly taken by humans to ease pain, are NSAIDs or Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. Some NSAIDs are specifically designed for dogs so you shouldn’t give them the human alternative.

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NSAIDs For Dogs

Here’s a list of NSAIDs that are safe for your dog to take since it’s made for their specific species. You should still consult a vet about which one to use and the dosage.

Carprofen (Carpox, Novox, Zinecarp, Norocarp, Rimadyl, Carprodyl)

Meloxicam (Metacam, Mobic, OroCAM, Loxicom)

Deracoxib (Deramaxx, Doxidyl, Ostimax)

Firocoxib (Previcox, Firox)

Grapiprant (Galliprant)

Robenacoxib (Onsior)

These drugs are usually safe for dogs but there might be potential side effects. If you start noticing behavorial changes in your dog or it starts eating less or vomiting, you should stop the drugs at once. Call your vet immediately.

Other Medications for Dogs

Other than NSAIDs, there are also some kinds of medicines to help with chronic pain in dogs. Your vet may prescribe these if your dog is suffering from arthritis or joint pain.

Gabapentin (Gantin, Gralise, Aclonium, Neurotonin)

Amantadine (Symmetrel, Gocovri, Osmolex)

Pregabalin (Lyrica)

Amitriptyline (Levate, Elavil)

Vets may sometimes prescribe opioids after surgeries or for a short term. They work on the receptors of the dog’s brain to provide pain relief. However, they have side effects like slowed heart rate, slowed breathing and excessive salivation and panting. They’re definitely not safe for long term use.


When your dog is in pain, your first instinct is to help. But resist the urge to give them your own medication! Certain human meds are toxic for dogs. For safe and effective pain relief, consult your vet. They can recommend appropriate medications and dosages based on your dog’s specific needs. Remember, a vet visit is always the best course of action to ensure your furry friend gets the proper care.


What are safe pain medications for dogs?

Never give your dog medication without consulting a vet first. However, some NSAIDs formulated specifically for dogs can be helpful. Examples include Carprofen, Meloxicam, Deracoxib, etc. Always follow vet instructions.

Are there any human medications safe for dogs?

In some cases, a vet might prescribe specific antibiotics or heart medications for your dog, but the dosage is crucial. Always consult a vet before giving your dog any human medication.

Can I give my dog human pain meds like Tylenol or ibuprofen?

Absolutely not! These medications are poisonous for dogs and can cause serious health problems.