Last Updated on September 14, 2023 by Amin Tawar
Are There Sharks In Myrtle Beach?

Over 40 shark species call the Myrtle Beach waters home. Of which the most commonly seen species are Blacktip sharks, spinner sharks, sandbar sharks, sand tiger sharks, bull sharks, great white sharks, and tiger sharks. Shark sightings in the area’s tropical waters are a relatively common and consistently buzzworthy happening, and the Carolinas are known for their appeal to the species.
Types Of Sharks In Myrtle Beach
There are multiple shark species at Myrtle Beach, and a few species found on this US coast are.
- Sandbar shark also known as Carcharhinus plumbeus. They are closely associated with bull sharks and can grow over 5.9 ft long and 264 lbs.
- Blacktip sharks, scientifically called Carcharhinus limbatus are the most common shark species found in Myrtle Beach. They can grow over 154 lbs and 4.9 ft in length. The species can be found near the coasts of Myrtle Beach.
- Spinner sharks known as Carcharhinus brevipinna, can grow over 9.8 ft long and weigh over 200 lbs.
- Sand tiger sharks, called Carcharias taurus are very docile and cause no danger to humans. They can measure over 10.5 ft and weigh nearly 640 lbs. These sharks are known to have ragged teeth.
- Bull sharks are highly aggressive and can live in both fresh water and salt water. So they are likely to be seen swimming in the rivers around Myrtle Beach. They with over 750lbs and grow over 8 ft in length.
- Tiger sharks grow 10-14 ft in length and can weigh above 1,400 lbs. They have tiger-like stripes on their sides and the wide mouth. Said to live year-round in Myrtle Beach, but are very common from March to November when the water is warm.
- Great white sharks are the most feared species of them all. They leave Myrtle Beach when the waters become warmer in summer around March and will return in November time when the waters cool. Great whites weigh over 5,000 lbs and can grow 11-16 ft.
- Hammerhead sharks have four different sub-species — scalloped, bonnethead, great hammerhead, and Carolina sharks. The biggest of the four is the Great Hammerhead shark, which can reach 13 ft in length and weigh over 1,280 lbs.
- Lemon sharks also known as Negaprion brevirostris like to live in groups. They can grow over 8-10 ft long and weigh over 551 lbs.
Where To See Sharks In Myrtle Beach?

Sharks can be seen in multiple areas, such as jetties, inlets, and the deeper tracks in Winyah Bay. They like to gather around these regions, making them accessible to see without having to travel far into the sea. They can be seen living in estuaries and love spots like Charleston, but often they are seen in the ocean off Myrtle Beach.
Over a hundred sharks show up near the South Carolina coast during the summer, every year. The peak season to spot sharks in Myrtle Beach runs from early May to late October, every year. This is when the waters of this US coastal region have warm waters that range from 54 to 75 °F.
Also, Check Our Guide On Sharks In Maui
How Many Shark Attacks In Myrtle Beach?
Shark attacks might seem very than they are actually in South Carolina. The likelihood of being attacked by one is not that great. On June 21, 2022, there was a shark attack in Myrtle Beach on a private family campground.
According to Tracking Sharks, the victim was a teenager and his wounds were not very severe. The Myrtle Beach website states that as of 2020, “about 50 shark attacks have been recorded over in the past century on the beach and none of them were a fatal attack, since 1852.
With over 15 million visitors each year to the beach, the odds of being attacked by a shark is around 1 in 4,000,000. Which is around 5 times less than the odds of being hit by lightning when on the beach.
Can You Catch Sharks In Myrtle Beach?
Yes, you can catch sharks in Myrtle Beach, but keep in mind, the law restricts shark catching within a mile from the beach or coastal waters. Once you have past a mile in a vessel, you are not in violation. However, the Department of Natural Resources in South Carolina, states there are a few sharks that are banned from being caught and should be freed instantly, no matter how far you are from the beach.
Those who are curious about shark fishing may be unaware of a law that restricts the entire act itself. And when you are seen, Myrtle Beach police can fine with hundreds of dollars. According to the law, “ it is illegal for any individual involved in attempting to take or catch or take or catch any shark species or other marine animals that might endanger the people from any fishing pier, shore, beach, or other coastal waters where one might fish.
Those who deliberately bait, fish, or marine animals or attract sharks that might endanger the people within a mile of the coastal waters or beach are considered to be in breach of the law.
The Myrtle Beach police say, definitely not everyone who catches a shark in their line does it intentionally. But the law states once you realize it’s a shark or other dangerous marine animal you must free it.
Can You Swim With Sharks In Myrtle Beach?
You cannot swim with sharks on Myrtle Beach itself as they are very dangerous, however, you can swim with sharks in Dangerous Reef in Ripley’s Aquarium which is home to the biggest shark species collection. You must be a certified diver to take part in the 30-minute swimming experience with various shark species like sandbar, sand tiger, and nurse sharks in the 750,000-gallon tank.
And that was everything you need to know about the Sharks in Myrtle Beach. I hope this article answered all your queries.
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