Last Updated on April 15, 2024 by Amin Tawar

Washington has full of polar environments, with dry summers, mild winters, and landscapes covered by volcanoes and high mountain peaks. Together, they deliver a diverse home for all kinds of wildlife including — Moose.
Below I’ve explained everything you need to know about the moose in Washington, where they can be spotted in the state, and if you can hunt one in Washington.
Are there Moose in Washington?
Yes, there are moose in Washington. Moose are fairly a recent arrival to Washington. There was none until the late 1920s, when a few inhabitants started to stroll in the northeastern region of the state from the nearing states, or maybe Canada.
By the end of 1977, there existed enough around that Washington administered three hunting tickets; now it allocates more than a hundred every year. Most of the state’s moose live in the northeast, in the Selkirk Mountains but they can roam as far as the Oregon and North Cascades.
How Many Moose In Washington?
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s first-ever moose count directed the result of its primary predator combined with climate change made the biologists decide to do a head count.
There was a major problem: Counting moose in Washington was hard. If you have ever spotted a moose, you may believe these huge animals can be impossible to overlook. But moose are solitary, shy, and like to live in areas where they are very hard to see.
The standard process used to take census involved estimating them from above in helicopters. Finally, biologists spent three winters searching for glimpses in the thick forests. Then combine this information with the movements of the GPS-filled collars moose. And with some help of fancy math, they arrived at a 5,000 and above figure.
Are there moose in Western Washington?

Moose, in Washington, is limited only to the northeast region and the Cascades but are extending their numbers and range. A few occasionally show up in the west, around Bellingham and the Blue Mountain regions.
How Big Are Moose In Washington?
Washington’s moose are of a subspecies known as “Shiras” moose, which physically is smaller when compared to northern habitats. Adult moose measures almost 6 ft at shoulder level. Bulls can weigh anywhere from 850 to 1,100 pounds and cows can weigh anywhere from 600 to 800 pounds. A bull’s antler ranges from 35 to 45 in and sometimes even can exceed 55 in across.
Moose in Washington are brown and with long legs and huge shoulders. They have noticeable muzzles with an extending upper lip.
A large flap of fur-covered skin that dangles underneath their throat is known as a “bell.” An adult male (bull) moose; has flat, broad, and palmated antlers that are tipped with many points, depending on health and age.
Growing males own forked antlers and after five years the palmated rack is formed. During the winter antler are shed and grown every spring.
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How rare/Common is it to see a moose in Washington?
Over the past years, the moose population has been increasing in the Mount Spokane region, with moose being routinely spotted further northwest and north from the center of the population.
They are mostly found in hardwood and coniferous, closed canopy forests around stream bottoms, and wet areas. Moose have rapidly expanded their habitats in Washington as they are huge mobile animals, and required water levels are available from all forest stands.
After a very long, a moose was captured on camera around the Mount Rainier National Park. This sighting is the first recording of a moose in the southwest region of Washington. The moose likely wandered into Washington through the wildlife underpasses on Interstate 90. Since 2015, at least 20,000 wildlife is estimated to have used the crossings.
Where To See Moose In Washington?
Fall is a crucial time for moose as it’s their mating season which is from September to October. During this time of the year, they are very active and easy to be seen.
After this, they start looking for cool places to pass the winter, which allows them to keep their metabolism down and decreases the food quantity needed to fuel themselves.
The majority of the moose are found in the Selkirk Mountains which includes the Pend Oreille, Ferry, Stevens, and Spokane counties.
There are fewer populations located in the northern Okanogan, Cascades, and Blue Mountains, along water courses. The main zones are Interior Redcedar, Interior Western Hemlock, Interior Douglas-fir, Sub-alpine Fir, and Grand Fir.
Also Check Our Guide On Moose In America
Can You Hunt Moose In Washington?
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has classified moose as a gaming animal. A fixed number of exceptional, once-in-a-lifetime “any moose” hunting tickets are allocated every year.
This is based on a draw basis for hunters who have a valid tag and license. The hunting season is usually from October to November in most of the Game Management divisions in the northeast region of Washington.
Special hunting tickets for antlerless moose are also allocated on a drawing basis, including a few just for senior hunters, youth hunters, and disabled hunters.
And that was everything you need to know about the Moose In Washinton. I hope this article answered all your queries.
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