mexican wolf size compared with gray wolf

Mexican Wolf Size Explained & Compared With Others

Last Updated on April 10, 2023 by Amin Tawar

Mexican Wolf Height & Length

Mexican Wolf Size

The Mexican Wolf, scientific name Canis lupus baileyi is the rarest of all the gray wolf subspecies. It is commonly known as el Lobo. 

They are also the smallest of all the wolf subspecies reaching an overall length no greater than 135 centimeters whose maximum height is about 80 centimeters. Specifically, the average length of a Mexican wolf is between 50 to 64 inches. Its average height is between 24 to 32 inches.

Additionally, their long legs and sleek body allow them to run swiftly.

Size Inches Centimetres
Height 24 to 32 inches67 to 82 cm
Length50 to 64 inches 127 to 164 cm

Mexican Wolf Weight

Being the smallest wolf among the gray wolf subspecies, the Mexican wolf is also one of the lightest wolf species. They weigh even less than even 100 pounds. 

In specifics, on average, the Mexican wolf weighs between 60 to 85 pounds. Moreover, these wolves are sexually dimorphic which means the female Mexican wolf is smaller than their male counterparts. 

However, there are limited details available about their sizes individually. We can only estimate them to be 10 to 20% smaller than males.1

Size PoundsKilograms
Weight60 to 85 pounds28 to 38 kg

Mexican Wolf Vs Coyote Size Comparison

Mexican Wolf Size Compared with coyote

In general, wolves are larger than coyotes. The Mexican wolf can weigh from 60 to 85 pounds and have a length of 4.1 to 5.3 feet. 

On the other hand, The coyote weighs in at 15-50 pounds with a length of 3.5 to 4.5 feet.

It is true that both wolves and coyotes are medium to large-sized doglike animals. But still, in comparison side by side, you will find that the wolf is considerably larger than the coyote. The wolf is taller, longer, and heavier, with a wider face and larger feet.

SizeMexican wolfCoyote
Weight 60 to 85 pounds15 to 50 pounds
HeightLength: 4.1 to 5.3 feet
Height: 24 to 32 inches
Shoulder Height: 60 cm (24 inches)
Body length: 1–1.3 meters (3.3–4.3 feet)

Mexican Wolf Size Compared To Human

Mexican Wolf Size Compared with human

Mexican wolves, like all other wolf species, can be quite lethal. The Mexican wolves, despite their small stature, are strong wild creatures with strong claws and sharp canines. 

Many of us wonder how exactly it would seem beside us in size. And the best way to estimate this is by comparing sizes. 

So as we have already mentioned, the Mexican wolf approximately weighs 60 to 85 pounds and has a length of 50 to 64 inches. 

Compared to the average human size which is about 5.5-5.9 ft in height with a weight of about 110 to 154 lbs (50 – 70 kgs).

We can conclude that Mexican wolves are much smaller than us. However, we should not underestimate them in any way, as these creatures are exceptionally powerful and muscular than most humans.

We have Explained All Wolf Species Sizes & How Big Are They: Do Check It Out

Mexican Wolf Size Compared To Dog

Most wolves are larger than dogs. However, there can be exceptional cases. Overall, the largest Mexican wolves only weigh about 90 pounds at the most, which makes them almost the size of a German Shepherd dog. 

Specifically, as we have mentioned a Mexican wolf approximately weighs 60 to 85 pounds and has a length of 50 to 64 inches with an average height of 24 to 32 inches. 

Comparing it to German shepherd dogs which can reach a maximum of about 25 inches in height weighing up to about 95 pounds (41 kilograms). 

Therefore, we can clearly conclude that Mexican wolves are equivalent to German shepherd dogs in size. 

Both of them are quite similar in height, however, the Germans can weigh little more than Mexican wolves.

SizeMexican wolfDog
Weight 60 to 85 pounds95 pounds
HeightLength: 50 to 64 inchesHeight: 24 to 32 inchesHeight: 25 inches

Mexican Wolf Vs Gray Wolf Size Comparison

Mexican Wolf Size Compared with gray wolf

The Mexican gray wolves are much smaller than their relatives to the north, the gray wolves. 

Given that Mexican wolves are the smallest subspecies of the gray wolf, they are about half the size of the standard gray wolf.

In specifics, a Mexican wolf approximately weighs 60 to 85 pounds and has a length of 50 to 64 inches with an average height of 24 to 32 inches. 

On the other hand, a gray wolf weighs 60 to 130 lbs and has a length of 4.5 to 6.5 feet with an average height of 60-90 cm (2-3 ft.) at the shoulder. 

SizeMexican wolfGray wolf 
Weight 60 to 85 pounds60 to 130 lbs
HeightLength: 50 to 64 inches
Height: 24 to 32 inches
Length: 4.5 to 6.5 feet
Height: 60-90 cm (2-3 ft.)

Mexican Wolf Vs Red Wolf Size Comparison

Both the Mexican Gray Wolf and the Red Wolf have very distinctive looks. The Mexican Gray wolves are usually much smaller than most wolf species. Whereas, Red Wolf is similar to a coyote.

Specifically, Red wolves stand about 26 inches at their shoulders and are about 4 feet long from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail.

They range in weight from about 45 to 80 pounds. The Mexican wolf approximately weighs 60 to 85 pounds and has a length of 50 to 64 inches with an average height of 24 to 32 inches.

Therefore, we can conclude that a Mexican wolf and a red wolf are comparable in size. However, at times, the Mexican wolf can be larger than them in terms of weight. 

SizeMexican wolfRed wolf
Weight 60 to 85 pounds45 to 80 pounds
HeightLength: 50 to 64 inches
Height: 24 to 32 inches
Length: 4 feet
Height: 26 inches


And that was everything you need to know about the size of the Mexican wolf. I hope this article was helpful enough and your queries were answered.

Thank You For Reading!

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