Last Updated on May 26, 2024 by Amin Tawar
Your puppy does all kinds of things that might not make any sense to you. But it does make sense to them and there’s a reason (or a multitude of reasons behind why they do it). One of these things is cobbing, or the gentle nibbling of your hands or fingers that puppies do. Sometimes older dogs might do that as well. Don’t worry, this isn’t biting and it doesn’t mean that your pooch is becoming aggressive. Let’s find out all about cobbing.
Why Is My Dog Nibbling At Me?

Dogs are generally very mouthy creatures and some breeds are particularly so. One of their primary ways of exploring the world is through their mouths so it isn’t a surprise when your puppy nibbles you. They do it to their mothers and siblings and other dogs as well. It often conveys their affection but it could just as easily be playful behavior or meant to get your attention.
While cobbing isn’t typically bad behavior and shouldn’t be punished, there are occasions when it might signal that something is wrong with your pup. That’s why it’s important to monitor the behavior of your dog at all times and closely note any changes.
Why Is It Called Cobbing?
Cobbing is the gentle chewing or mouthing at something with the front teeth. It’s called cobbing because it doesn’t look unlike when you nibble at a corn cob. It’s usually very harmless and doesn’t hurt or injure the person being nibbled. It’s very different in nature from aggressive biting where the dog will put all their strength and teeth into the bite.
While cobbing, dogs peel back their upper and lower lips and just use their front teeth. They might nibble on family members, on other dogs, on cats, or even blankets and toys. It’s sometimes referred to as the ‘cute nibble’ or the ‘pibble nibble’ specifically in the case of the pitbull.
The Various Reasons Why Dogs Might Nibble

Dogs might nibble to show affection or to be playful. They might even use it as a grooming technique or a self-soothing technique when stressed. Puppies often engage in cobbing behavior but fully grown dogs do it as well. For the most part, it isn’t a cause of worry but sometimes it might signal that something is wrong. So you should know the different reasons for cobbing.
To Show Affection
This is the most common reason. If your dog has ever sat down next to you and started gently nibbling at you in a quick and rhythmic way, then that means that the dog is showing its affection for you. In fact, it’s a little bit like the dog equivalent of a hug or a kiss when your dog nibbles at you with its front teeth. Mother dogs do this to their puppy as well and it’s so gentle that there’s no cause for worry.
You might even see your dog do this with other dogs or other animals that you might have, like cats. They’re not trying to harm one another but as reinforcing their bonds. This kind of behavior can be traced back to their wolf ancestors since mutual grooming was a way of reinforcing the bonds within the pack.
To Stimulate Milk
When puppies gently mouth at their mother’s teats, it’s to stimulate milk. It’s an instinctive action for them which starts as young as when they’re newborn. Thus, this primal act is part of their growing up. And it’s no wonder that it transforms into affectionate behavior once they are older. It makes them feel closer and more connected to their mother since newborn puppies are blind.
When They’re In a Playful Mood

Cobbing at you might be a message of “come and play with me”. Play is an important part of a dog’s life, whether they’re puppies or fully grown. It’s also an important part of their exercise regime and their bond with their owners. Dogs might nibble at you as an invitation.
When two dogs play with each other, they often bite each other in a soft and gentle manner. This is a good sign and it means that they’re socializing with each other. There isn’t any need to worry when your dogs are playfully biting each other. But you should monitor playtime and make sure that it doesn’t become more aggressive.
Gentle, playful biting and bouncy behavior is normal. But if the dogs have their teeth bared and their ears flattened, it might mean that it’s going to escalate to a full fight and you’ll have to intervene.
Just To Get Your Attention
Sometimes, you’re busy with something else and aren’t paying attention to your dog. Suppose you’re lying on the couch and scrolling through your phone or watching television and you feel a gentle nibbling on your fingers. It means that your dog is looking for your attention.
This isn’t meant to be aggressive or hurtful. Thus, it’s perfectly alright to give your dog attention at this point by scratching its ears or rubbing its belly.
For Grooming and Cleaning Purposes
Dogs often engage in cobbing when they want to groom themselves (or each other). This is especially true of puppies. If the dog starts nibbling or biting at its own fur or the fur of its companions, it is trying to get rid of dirt and debris with its teeth.
To Scratch an Itch
Alternatively, it might bite at its own body if it is feeling itchy. Unlike with humans, there are various parts of their bodies that dog’s cannot reach with their nails. So they can’t scratch those portions without the help of their teeth. This type of cobbing might be a little stronger than usual and not as gentle.
If a dog is cobbing at its own body consistently, it might mean that the dog has a parasite. If they simply have a burr or some kind of object stuck in their fur, you can easily remove it for them. But if they keep cobbing frequently and you can’t see anything, it might be time to get your dog dewormed.
When They’re Teething
Puppies, just like babies, feel uncomfortable and pained when they’re teething. Thus, they might nibble at toys and other things because it soothes their teeth and gums. It also keeps them distracted from the pain. This isn’t typically a cause for concern but you wouldn’t want your puppies nibbling at your possessions.
When They’re Anxious or Stressed
Cobbing is also a self-soothing behavior when the dog is anxious or stressed. It’s a bad habit like biting lips or biting fingernails in humans. This is instinctive behavior from the cobbing that the dogs do as puppies at their mother’s teats. If your dog does this once in a while, it isn’t a problem.
But if puppies are cobbing all the time, they may break their skin and cause an infection. They might also nibble at other objects and cause damage. Thus, it’s important to isolate if the cobbing is caused by stress and address that issue.
When Should You Be Concerned?
Most of the time, cobbing isn’t concerning behavior. It’s a natural, primeval instinct in dogs. It’s also important for humans to recognize when gentle nibbling and cobbing is different from aggressive biting (which is a fear response).
However, sometimes cobbing can indicate underlying health issues. If your dog is nibbling at its fur consistently for long periods of time or doing it to just one targeted area of their body, it might indicate the presence of parasites, skin conditions or allergies.That is when you should be concerned.
Also, there might be people who don’t want their dogs biting them even playfully. In such cases, it is important to address cobbing behavior.
How To Address Cobbing Behavior?

You can train your dog to behave in appropriate ways. This means not nibbling at your skin or body if you don’t want that or causing damage to your expensive possessions. It’s important to monitor cobbing behavior in dogs to make sure no harm is being caused to any party in the equation.
Monitoring Teething and Cobbing
The very first thing is to keep an eye on the force behind your dog’s cobbing. While gentle nibbling is fine, stronger and more consistent biting could lead to damage. With teething puppies, it’s important to redirect their attention so that they don’t chew your furniture, clothes or slippers.
Provide Proper Toys
Providing proper chew toys to dogs means that you can redirect its attention. If your puppy starts chewing at your furniture or your hands (something that you have deemed unacceptable), then give it a chew toy instead. It’s important to provide the chew toy at an early stage before the nibbling escalates. This signals to the dog that the chew toy is an acceptable thing to chew at but your hand or your furniture is not.
Dogs learn best by positive reinforcement. So when they start playing with their chew toy and stop nibbling as instructed, reward them for this behavior. You can give them treats, praise or affection to encourage them. Puppies will soon learn that playing with chew toys is acceptable behavior while nibbling anything else is not.
Consistent Training
It’s very important to be consistent in the training of your dogs. Especially in the case of dogs that belong to families, if different family members have different approaches to dog training, it gets confusing for the dog. They don’t know what to do or what their owners will be pleased by.
For example, if one family member allows nibbling while another family member discourages it, the dog may become confused. It’s essential that every person in the household is on the same page when it comes to rules that you set out for your dogs. The same behavior should be rewarded or discouraged by every member of the family.
Encourage Gentle Play
While playing with your dogs, encourage them to play in a gentle manner. Use positive reinforcement like praise and treats when they are playing properly. If their nibbling escalates into more intense biting, take a break from playtime so they can come down from their excited state. Redirect them to a chew toy.
Take Care Of Their Anxiety and Stress
If the underlying reason behind cobbing is anxiety and stress, then you have to address the root problem. Isolate what might be making your dog anxious. It might be some kind of big life change. It might be some kind of illness. If you can’t figure out the problem yourself, you might need professional help.
Perhaps you need to take your dog to the vet for a check-up or to a behaviorist. They can help you figure out calming aids for your dog. Once the source of stress has been addressed, behaviors like cobbing might automatically die down.
And that’s all that you need to know about cobbing dogs. I hope that this article was helpful and that you gained something valuable from it.