Last Updated on September 14, 2023 by Amin Tawar

Bobcats are native wild cats present throughout the continent of North America. This contains even the southeastern states of the U.S., including Tennessee.
However, how much do you know about these wild cats present in Tennessee?
Below I’ve explained everything you need to know about the bobcats in Tennessee.
Are There Bobcats In Tennessee?
Yes, bobcats are present in Tennessee but it can be quite difficult to get the exact number of the population in Tennessee. However, there is a thriving, though rare, population.
In, Tennessee they can be found almost everywhere as they are highly versatile. But they are not very common as in the dense mountains, hills, and rocky terrains. They also exist in various kinds of swampy areas, forests, and even desert habitats.
Where Do Bobcats Live In Tennessee & How common are bobcats in Tennessee?
In Tennessee, they are pretty adaptable and manage to use all the various habitats within their coverage. Bobcats are spread all over the three grand divisions. They flourish in the cliffs of East Tennessee and also stay in the rolling ridges and abundant canyons of middle Tennessee.
To some extent, they live even in the flat west Tennessee. The home area of a male bobcat can be from a mile to 30 square miles. Usually, male bobcats have home ranges that are five times bigger than the home ranges of female bobcats. Also, their home size can vary with the geography and the availability of prey.
As bobcats are very solitary species they are very uncommon to be spotted in Tennessee. Also, bobcat attacks are very infrequent as their nocturnal animals, which means they’re seldom active and also try to shy away from humans.
They prefer to live in deeper forested areas. However, human homes spreading into deeper bobcat environments make a few encounters common in the state.
How Large Is A Tennessee Bobcat?
Bobcats are large mammals with stubby tails, long legs, short snouts, broad faces, and distinguished pointed ears with a few tufts. They have short fur that is tawny-colored with a few black streaks or spots.
They are usually anywhere from 22.5 to 50.0 inches in length with their tail being around 3.8 to 7.9 inches and ears being from 2.5 to 2.8 inches. They weigh anywhere from 10.0 to 40.0 pounds. However, female bobcats are usually smaller in size when compared to male bobcats.
Are Bobcats Aggressive In Tennessee?

No, bobcats in Tennessee are not aggressive as they are fearful of humans, however, they show aggression when in danger. With that being said, bobcats will show aggression only when they feel cornered or threatened.
Though rabies is uncommon in bobcats, it can increase the aggressive behavior of bobcats. Many reported bobcat attacks on humans, involve cats that have tested rabies. Although they will ignore humans, you must be careful when around these wild animals.
Also Check Our Guide On Bobcats In US
What Do Bobcats Eat In Tennessee?
Despite their small size, bobcats are challenging predators, they can even take down bigger animals than them like white-tailed deer and wild hogs. Yet, their standard diets consist of small animals like various rodents and eastern cottontails.
Sometimes they also munch on reptiles, insects, birds, and carrion. Also, they prey on venomous snakes like the eastern copperhead, the western cottonmouth, the timber rattlesnake, and the western pygmy rattlesnake in Tennessee.
Can You Kill A Bobcat In Tennessee?
In Tennessee, bobcats are believed to be furbearers which means they can be hunted when you have the right licenses and permits. The hunting and trapping seasons for bobcats run from November mid to February end.
The hunting of bobcats on private land takes place from September end to November mid. No trapping of bobcats is allowed on private lands. In some areas of Tennessee, you can hunt only a single bobcat a day.
Can You Own A Bobcat In Tennessee?
Bobcats are deemed as native species and demand a class II permit. Centers might contain bobcats for research and educational purposes. An import license is needed before bringing them into the state.
Other felines, domestic hybrids, and bobcat hybrids are Class III, that do not need a permit. However, rehabilitation centers, wildlife centers, and academic exhibits are banned from owning Class III animals except in bonafide zoos.
What To Do If You See A Bobcat In Tennessee?
As you saw above, bobcats very rarely attack humans and become aggressive. However, they can become deadly when they are disturbed and the situations can become serious if not handled properly.
When you see a bobcat, try to scare it by making loud noises or making yourself appear big by extending your waving your hands past your head and legs apart, or spraying some water on it. This will help you as a defense tool. Never turn your back as you lose sight of the animals.
Also Check Our Guide On Bobcats In Pennsylvania
And that was everything you need to know about the bobcats in Tennessee. I hope this article was informative and your queries were answered.
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