bison size compared with buffalo

Bison Size Explained & Compared With Others

Last Updated on April 15, 2024 by Amin Tawar

Bison Height & Length

Bison Size

The bison belongs to the genus Bison. These are also called buffalo or wisent. There are mainly two species of bison – American bison and European bison. 

On average, adult bison can grow up to 2 to 2.1 metres (6.6 feet to 6.9 ft) in height at the shoulders and 2.9 to 3.5 metres (9.5 ft – 11.4 ft) in body length.

Specifically, male bison stand about 2 metres (6.5 feet) at the shoulder. Whereas, the female is about 1.2-1.5 metres (4-5 feet) tall.

Height & length Metres Feet 
Male Length: 2.9 to 3.5 metres
Height: 2 to 2.1 metres
Length: 9.5 ft – 11.4 ft
Height: 6.6 feet to 6.9 ft
Female Length:2.8 to 2.9 metres
Height: 1.2-1.5 metres
Length:9.1 ft to 9.5 ft
Height: 4-5 feet

Bison Weight

Bison are exceptionally powerful, robust, and massive animals. These are the largest surviving terrestrial animals in North America and Europe. 

Specifically, a mature bison weighs between 400-1270 kg (880-2800 lbs). Additionally, the largest bison ever recorded weighed a whopping 3,800 pounds.

Weight Pounds Kilograms 
Male 701 to 2,599 lb318 to 1,179 kg
Female 790 to 1,410 lb360 to 640 kg

Bison Calf Size

The gestation period of bison mothers is about eight to nine months. They generally give birth to one baby at a time, the birth of twins has also been recorded. 

Given the massive size of adult bison, simultaneously, baby calves are also born big. They weigh about 30 to 70 lbs (14 to 32 kg) at birth with a considerable height. Additionally, these calves grow up to their full size in 2 to 3 years

Bison Herd Size

Generally, Bison are social animals. They form groups for nomadic grazing and travel in herds. The bulls leave the herds of their mothers at two or three years of age and join a herd of males, which are generally smaller than female herds. 

Mature bulls rarely travel alone. Towards the end of the summer, for the reproductive season, both sexes necessarily coordinate. 

The largest herd size could have more than 3000 menders, with a maximum number of members of approximately 5000. 1

Bison Horn Size

Bison’s horns are its most prominent characteristic without which they are incomplete. These horns also come in nimble while asserting dominance over other predators. Both male and female bison have short, curved, black horns, which can grow to two feet (60 cm) long.

These horns assist them to fight by crashing their heads or horns together. 

Bison Size Comparison To Humans

Bison Size compared to human

We are well aware that bison are massive animals. They are incredibly built and robust in body structure. Many of us often wonder, exactly how big they would look. And the best way to ascertain this is by comparing sizes. 

So as we have discussed, a mature bison weighs more than 900 kg (1,980 pounds) and grow up to 2 to 2.1 metres (6.6 feet to 6.9 ft) in height at the shoulders and 2.9 to 3.5 metres (9 ft 6 in – 11 ft 6 in) in body length. 

On the other hand, the average human body length is around 5.5-5.9 ft with a weight of about 110 to 154 lbs (50 – 70 kgs). 

Therefore, we can easily conclude that bison are much larger than us. These giants are far more substantial, powerful and heavier as compared to the average human being. 

Bison Size Vs Moose Size Comparison

Bison Size compared to moose

Moose is a fairly sized creature. However, side by side with massive creatures like bison, they appear to be small. 

Specifically, they grow up to a height of 4.6-6.9 ft at the shoulder with an overall body Length of 7ft-10ft, weighing about 838 to 1,543 pounds. 

On the other hand, a mature bison weighs more than 900 kg (1,980 pounds) and grow up to 2 to 2.1 metres (6.6 feet to 6.9 ft) in height at the shoulders and 2.9 to 3.5 metres (9 ft 6 in to 11 ft 6 in) in body length.

Therefore, we can easily conclude that bison are much larger than moose. Even the largest moose just weighed about 1,808 pounds, whereas the largest bison weighed 3,800 pounds. 

Size Bison Moose 
Weight 1,980 pounds838 to 1,543 pounds
Height Height: 6.6 feet to 6.9 ft
Length: 9 ft 6 in to 11 ft 6 in
Height: 4.6 ft to 6.9 ft
Length: 7 ft to 10 ft

Bison Size Vs Grizzly Bear Size Comparison

Bison Size compared to grizzly bear

Both bison and grizzly bears are massive creatures. The grizzly bears are one of the largest bear subspecies. Regardless of their giant stature, grizzly bears are still smaller in comparison to the bison. 

Specifically, a mature bison weighs more than 900 kg (1,980 pounds) and grows up to 2 to 2.1 metres (6 feet 7 inches to 6 ft 11 in) in height at the shoulders and 2.9 to 3.5 metres (9 ft 6 in to 11 ft 6 in) in body length. 

On the other hand, the average grizzly bear is around 6 feet, 5 inches long, although they can range from 3 feet, 6 inches to 9 feet in length. 

Coastal grizzlies weigh an average of 899 pounds and can weigh more than 1,000 pounds at their maximum.

Therefore, we can conclude that bison are significantly larger and heavier than grizzly bears. Additionally, the largest bison weighed 3,800 pounds, conversely, the largest grizzly bear weighed only about 1200 pounds.

Size Bison Grizzly bear 
Weight 1,980 pounds300-800 lb
Height Height: 6.6 feet to 6.9 ft
Length: 9 ft 6 in to 11 ft 6 in
Height: 3 feet to 4 feet 6 inches
Length: 5 feet 6 inches to 9 feet

Bison Vs Buffalo Size Comparison

Bison Size compared to buffalo

Bison and buffalo are often confused by most people around the world. However, the best way to point out differences between them is by comparing their sizes. 

So as we already know, a mature bison weighs more than 900 kg (1,980 pounds) and grows up to 2 to 2.1 metres (6.6 feet to 6.9 ft) in height at the shoulders and 2.9 to 3.5 metres (9 ft 6 in to 11 ft 6 in) in body length. 

On the other hand, a mature buffalo would weigh variably across the population, for wild water buffalo weighs about 1200 kg (2640 lb); 850 kg (1870 lb) for domestic water buffalo; 909 kg (2000 lb) for Cape buffalo. 

As a whole, they weigh between 800 to 1200 kg (1870 to 2640 pounds) with a height of about 3.3 to 5.6 ft. 

By comparing the given specifics, we can observe that bison are much taller and longer than buffalo. However, buffalos are larger than bison in terms of weight. We can conclude that both of these animals are quite comparable in size.

Size Bison Buffalo
Weight 1,980 pounds1870 to 2640 pounds
Height Height: 6.6 feet to 6.9 ft
Length: 9 ft 6 in to 11 ft 6 in
Height: 3.3 to 5.6 feet
Length: 5.6 to 11.2 ft


And that was everything you need to know about the size of Bison. I hope this article was informative enough and your queries were answered.

Thank You For Reading!

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